How to Clean Your Wrist Rest for a More Comfortable Experience

How to Clean Your Wrist Rest for a More Comfortable Experience

Let’s face it: your mouse, keyboard, and wrist rest need some major TLC. You may not have given the wrist rest on your desk much thought, but it’s an important component of your workspace, and it needs cleaning regularly to keep it hygienic and comfortable.

Whether you’ve just spilled coffee on your keyboard or noticed an accumulation of dust, dirt, skin oil, and sweat on your wrist rest over time, this article is for you. We’ll cover all the steps to take in order to clean a wrist rest correctly. Different materials require different treatments, and we’ll get into that too. 

Wrist Rest Cleaning Supplies

When it comes to cleaning your wrist rest, the right supplies make all the difference. The best option for wrist rest cleaning is dish soap or laundry detergent, as frequent use of rubbing alcohol or bleach can be too harsh on the material.

Several microfiber cloths and lint-free wipes should also be available so you can clean your wrist rests. You might even want to invest in Class 100 clean room materials if you’re working with keyboard wrist pads so that you don’t harm any delicate components.

Regardless of the tools you use, it’s crucial that you clean your wrist rests frequently. When wrist rests are treated with care and maintenance, they will last longer and be more effective, supporting good posture and preventing injuries.

Preparing the Wrist Rest for Cleaning

Proper preparation is key when cleaning your wrist rest. Before you get started, take a moment to remove any large pieces of debris like crumbs, dirt, or dust. Once that’s taken care of, it’s time to dig into the next steps.

To help break down oil, grime, and other unwanted residues on the wrist rest surface, mix a small amount of dish soap or laundry detergent in a spray bottle with warm water. Give it a quick shake, and lightly mist your wrist rest. Then take a wet cloth and gently wipe down your wrist rest without pressing too hard. As you finish cleaning the surface, take an additional cloth or microfiber towel to pat dry any excess water and moisture left behind.

Gently wipe it down with a damp cloth if you want to show your fabric-covered wrist rest some extra tender care. Just be careful not to scrub too hard or soak for too long because these actions could lead to permanent fading or damage. Always read the manufacturer’s instructions for your particular model, if available, before cleaning, if applicable. You shouldn’t have any trouble maintaining your device’s luster and cleanliness with the proper strategy and cleanliness plan in place. 

The Best Technique to Clean Wrist Rests

Using the right technique to clean wrist rests is essential to keeping them looking and feeling great. There are a few different ways you can go about cleaning your wrist rest, but the main thing you should remember is that all surfaces need to be scrubbed with a soft cloth and mild soap.

Rubbing Alcohol

Most neighborhood stores carry rubbing alcohol, which is an efficient disinfectant for wrist rests. To avoid damaging your wrist rest, only lightly spritz some rubbing alcohol on it before wiping it down with a clean cloth and waiting for the surface to dry.


Believe it or not, shampoo can also be used to clean and moisturize wrist rests. This trick works even better if you mix a small amount of shampoo into warm water. All you have to do is dip your cloth into the warm, soapy solution and lightly scrub your wrist rest’s surface. Then let it air dry before using it again.

Washing Machine

If your wrist rest can handle being submerged in water, then consider washing it in the washing machine on a gentle cycle with cold water. Once washed, hang your wrist rest up to dry—avoid putting it in the dryer as heat could damage it.

Deodorizing the Wrist Rest

It’s no surprise that a wrist rest collects sweat and other grime. Fortunately, you can easily deodorize it with just some of the items in your home.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic, especially in concentrations between 5 to 10%, which is why it’s so great at eliminating bacteria and leaving your wrist rest odor-free. Mix 5 drops of tea tree oil in 1 cup of warm water, then wipe the wrist rest down with a soft cloth dipped in the solution. Let your wrist rest and air dry afterward.

Baking Soda

Baking soda may not be antiseptic like tea tree oil, but it does have deodorizing properties that can help make your wrist rest smell fresh again. Just sprinkle baking soda directly on the surface of your wrist rest, let it sit for 10 minutes, and then wipe it off with a clean cloth.

An Alternative Cleaning Method

If you don’t have an ultrasonic cleaner, fear not. There are other ways to clean your wrist rest that don’t require unnecessary machinery.

Here are four alternative cleaning methods to explore:

  • Baking soda – Baking soda is a mild alkaline that can absorb moisture. To use baking soda as a cleaning agent, simply make a paste of baking soda and water, rub it on the surface of the wrist rest with a soft cloth, rinse off the residue with clean water, and allow the wrist rest to air-dry.
  • Borax – Borax is an all-natural mineral that has been used for centuries as a natural cleaner and deodorizer. Mix one teaspoon of borax with two cups of warm water, then use a damp cloth or small brush to scrub the wrist rest. Rinse off any residue with clean water and dry completely with a soft cloth.
  • Washing soda – Washing soda is another natural cleaner that can be used on wrist rests. To use it, mix one tablespoon of washing soda in two cups of warm water and use a damp cloth or small brush to scrub the surface of the wrist rest. Rinse off any residue with clean water and dry completely with a soft cloth.
  • Cornstarch – Cornstarch is yet another natural cleaning agent that can be used on wrist rests. To use cornstarch as a cleaning agent, make a paste of cornstarch and water, then rub it gently onto the surface of the wrist rest. Allow it to sit for several minutes before rinsing off any residue with clean water and drying it off completely with a soft cloth.

Storage and Maintenance Tips

It’s easy to overlook cleaning wrist rests, but it’s important to do it regularly. While it may seem like an extra step, taking a few moments to check your wrist rests for signs of damage will help you keep them in great condition for a longer period of time. Here are some tips for storing and maintaining your wrist rests:

Inspect and Clean Vacant Storage Units Regularly

Walk around your storage area once a week and inspect each unit. Clean up any dust or debris that has accumulated over time, as this could affect your wrist rest’s performance.

Install Proper Lighting in the Storage Area

Lighting is essential when it comes to safely navigating the storage area and ensuring everything is properly maintained. Make sure all lamps, lights, or bulbs are functioning properly and provide adequate lighting during inspections.

Lubricate Handles, Replace Broken Ones, and Check Shelves for Signs of Damage

Before putting your wrist rests away after use, lubricate any handles that have been used in the day-to-day operations of the unit; this will help keep them from getting stuck when you need them to open or close. Replace any handles that may be broken or malfunctioning, as this could lead to further damage down the line. Also, check shelves for signs of wear and tear, such as scratches or dents, and replace any that are worn out or damaged beyond repair.

Natural Alternatives to Chemical-Based Cleaners

One thing to keep in mind when you’re cleaning a wrist rest is that you don’t always have to reach for a chemical-based cleaner. In fact, some of the most effective cleaning agents are natural products that you’d find around your home.

Vinegar and Water

One of the safest and most versatile natural cleaning agents is vinegar and water. To clean a wrist rest with this solution, simply dampen a cloth or sponge with the mixture, wipe down the rest, and then dry it off with another cloth or towel.

Other Natural Cleaning Agents

Other common natural cleaning agents include baking soda, borax, washing soda, and cornstarch. To create an effective cleaning solution with these ingredients, create a paste or powder out of them, apply it directly to the dirt or stain on the wrist rest, let it sit for 5-10 minutes, and then wipe it away.

Natural Cleaning Tools

In addition to natural cleaning agents, there are also natural tools you can use instead of harsh scrubbers like wire brushes. These tools include white vinegar, baking soda, borax, citrus fruits (or their juice), and empty spray bottles. Using these tools in combination with your choice of all-natural cleaner will help to keep your wrist rest clean without using harsh chemicals.

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While maintaining the cleanliness of your wrist rest is important, it’s equally important to do so safely. Use the recommended cleaning solution or wipes and always unplug the device before cleaning to prevent damage. To ensure safe and efficient cleaning, additionally use a soft, lint-free cloth. Last but not least, be sure to thoroughly dry the appliance and give it time to cool before using it once more.

Cleaning your wrist rest is not only important for keeping your device clean and germ-free, but it can also extend the life of the device. With a few simple steps and the right products, you can make sure your wrist rest stays clean, safe, and long-lasting.

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