How to Clean Roborock Filter To Take Control of Dust & Dirt

How to Clean Roborock Filter

Who doesn’t want a clean home? Keeping your robo-vacuum clean is key to keeping your home spick and span, but that’s easier said than done. One of the most important parts of your robot vacuum cleaner’s maintenance is keeping the filter clean. If you own a RoboRock vacuum cleaner, then you know how important it is to keep the filter in tip-top shape.

No matter how much dust and debris your vacuum cleaner collects, if it can’t efficiently process the air through its filter, your results will suffer. In this manual, I’ll go over exactly how to maintain your RoboRock filter so that it works at peak efficiency and keeps your home smelling and looking brand new.

What Is a RoboRock Filter and Why Should It Be Cleaned?

The RoboRock filter is a key part of your robot vacuum. It captures much of the dust, dirt, and debris your vacuum picks up, and that means it needs regular cleaning to keep your home clean and tidy.

It’s important to clean your RoboRock filter at least once every 2 months. That’s because manufacturers recommend changing the filter two to three times a year, and regular cleaning can extend the life of a filter, saving you money in the long run.

When it comes to cleaning your RoboRock filter, you want to make sure that you only use water—no soap! The most effective way is to rinse it off with cold water and let it air dry. Once it’s dry, you can use an air compressor or hairdryer in a cool setting to blow out any remaining dust particles from the filter.

By following these steps, you’ll ensure that your RoboRock filter continues to work effectively to keep your home clean.

When Should You Clean Your RoboRock Filter?

Roborock recommends cleaning your filter about once every two weeks. Maintaining clean filters is key to keeping your RoboRock vacuum cleaner working at its best and sucking up dust, dirt, and debris as expected.

The RoboRock HEPA filters are washable E11-grade HEPA filters designed to last several months. Cleaning the filter regularly helps to ensure that the robot can pick up dirt and dust, more effectively perform its sweeping functions, and keep your home free of unwanted particles.

Not sure how to clean your RoboRock filter? Don’t worry – that’s what this guide is for! Keep reading to learn how to clean your RoboRock filter properly in just a few easy steps.

Different Types of Filters and How to Clean Them

Different Types of Filters and How to Clean Them
Different Types of Filters

Have you ever wondered which type of filter RobotRock has and how to clean it? Many people don’t know that there are actually several types of filters used in cleaning a RoboRock pool. Let’s take a look at each one and the best way to ensure it’s cleaned properly.

Sand Filters

Sand filters consist of sand, usually quartzite gravel, which acts as a natural filtration system. Sand filters need to be back-washed in order to clean them, and they should be inspected every few months. To clean your sand filter, make sure that the pump is off, then turn the valve to “backwash” mode. After the backwashing is finished, turn the valve back to “rinse” mode before turning the pump back on.

Cartridge Filters

Cartridge filters use a replaceable cartridge with pleated material inside that traps particulates. Cartridge filters are usually the easiest type of filter to clean, as they can be easily removed from their housing and hosed down or soaked in the cleaning solution. Regular cleaning is recommended for optimal performance. You should check your cartridge filter every 3-4 weeks for debris buildup or other signs of dirt accumulation. It’s also important to note that after each cleaning cycle, you should always lubricate your O-rings before replacing your filter cartridge with its housing unit.

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Filters

Diatomaceous earth (another item) filters work by trapping large particles between multiple layers of DE powder coating on grids located inside the filter tank. DE filters require regular backwashing, just like sand filters, but they also require adding more DE powder periodically.

Tips & Tricks for a Spotless Filter

You may have heard that regular filter maintenance is key to the well-functioning of your robot-rock filter, but what does that actually look like? Here are a few tips and tricks to keep your filter spotless:

Empty the Dustbin

This one should be obvious, right? You’ll want to empty the trash can after each cleaning run. Not only will this keep your robot running smoother, but it’ll also extend the life of your filter.

Remove the Filter Weekly

It’s a good rule of thumb to remove the filter every other week or so. When you do, make sure you tap it firmly against a hard surface like a trash can – this will help loosen any debris that’s stuck in the filter. Then go ahead and give it a good shake-off before replacing it in your robot.

Wash Up Regularly

Your filter can become clogged with mobile dust and debris like dust and lint, so it’s important to deep clean it occasionally. Unplug your RoboRock, disassemble it, and clean it in the sink with warm water (ensure it is completely dry before reassembling). Other parts, like the cyclone and dustbin, should also be cleaned out because they’re crucial to maintaining the functionality of the system.

Common Issues With Filters and How to Troubleshoot Them

Given their sophisticated technology, it’s no surprise that robot vacuums come with filters of their own. But from time to time, you may experience issues with your RoboRock filter.

First and foremost, corrosive fluids may attack the filter and cause damage and eventual failure. That’s why it’s important to understand what your filter is—is it a woven cloth or a paper-based material?

Next, let’s take a look at some of the common issues with RoboRock filters that you can troubleshoot:

  1. Lack of power: If your motor is not running at full speed, this could be due to clogged filter elements or trapped air in the system. Check for blockages in the filter and make sure air is not trapped in the system.
  2. Clogged filters: Clogs can reduce water pressure or completely shut off the water supply if severe enough. If you find dirt and debris in the water coming out of your faucet, check the filter for clogs.
  3. Leaks: Check all hoses and valves for any leaks or loose connections that could disrupt the water supply or cause water waste. Make sure all connections are secure before running your vacuuming system again.
  4. Poor tastes/smells: This could be due to a dirty filter or an old filtration medium; make sure to regularly change out filters and verify that they’re clean before using them again.
  5. Water pressure problems: This could be caused by clogged filters, leaks in the hoses, or poor installation of the machine itself— double-check all of these before running your robot vacuum.

Keeping Your Robot’s Filter in Tip-Top Shape

It’s impossible to overstate how crucial it is to maintain your robot’s filter in top condition—it’s the single most crucial aspect of maintaining clean, fresh air in your home. The only way to ensure that your filter is operating properly and isn’t introducing dust, dirt, or other unpleasant particles into the air you breathe is to clean it.

Fortunately, cleaning your Roborock filter is super simple—all you need is water. You should never use cleaning products, as they might damage the filter or reduce its effectiveness. Manufacturers recommend that you replace filters every two months for maximum efficiency.

To clean your filter, just soak it in warm water for a few minutes, and then scrub it with an old toothbrush in any folds or crevices that are visible. Once you’ve given the filter a good rub-down, rinse it with warm water until all traces of soap are gone, and then lay it out flat on a towel to dry completely before reinserting it into your robot.

With a bit of regular maintenance and care, you can ensure that your Roborock filter continues to do its job of removing dust and other unwanted particles from your home’s air over time.


In short, keeping your RoboRock filter clean is an important task that will help you maintain a clean and healthy home. Cleaning the filter is easy and requires only a few simple steps. Regular cleaning can prevent clogging and extend the life of the filter.

By following the steps outlined in this guide and making sure to clean your filter regularly, you can rest assured that your RoboRock vacuum cleaner is performing at its best and that your home is as clean and healthy as it can be.

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